Wander & Wonder

Climate-friendly and slow travel, equitable access to outdoor recreation, and nature’s awesomeness

daily practice

When you go slow enough, you create things

Illustration of a person with a heart on their chest arms up surrounded by a painting, a water droplet, a plant, friends, a gray cloud with a sun behind it, a heart, writing

Slow travel.

Feed your soul. Care for the planet.

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    Accomplishments and creative pinch points
    creativity Heidi Beierle creativity Heidi Beierle

    Accomplishments and creative pinch points

    I often forget to acknowledge the small acts of creativity that are part of my daily practice, especially when I have a big, difficult task. I still do both, but it requires adjustments, especially motivating myself to visit the difficulty day after day and managing how I feel.

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    Points in Time - car-free from Portland to Dufur
    slow travel Heidi Beierle slow travel Heidi Beierle

    Points in Time - car-free from Portland to Dufur

    With new transit service from Portland to Hood River, it’s possible, and even enjoyable to travel car-free to the little out-of-the-way town of Dufur, Oregon. Dufur is home to a three-story brick hotel, the Balch Hotel, a great place to spend some time. Geologic, cultural, immigrant, and transportation history abounds in the landscape between Hood River and Dufur along the Columbia River.

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